Is it time for a Chiropractor in Aurora? We may be able to help. Our Discover Health and Wellness Aurora location is located just off of South Parker Road. We serve the Aurora community. If you have a health challenge or want to feel your best, come see our Chiropractic Aurora location. There are many benefits to seeing us which include a longer life span with better nervous system function and of course less pain. Do you want to live a long life filled with energy and vitality? Do you just want to get out
Request an appointment online or call today to set up your chiropractic adjustment or massage!
Dr. Aaron was born and raised in Rocky Ford, Colorado. He got his undergrad at Otero Junior College and Mesa State College. In 2007, after contemplating between medical school and chiropractic school, he decided to attend Parker University. His decision was based on his personal experience with chiropractic. Growing up, he had chronic ear infections, strep throat, and migraines. After seeing a chiropractor for the first time at the age of eight, his health started to improve.