Description: The Australian Motorsport Hall of Fame celebrates 120 years of accomplishment in Australia and World Motorsport.
About The Hall Of Fame Committee Members Hall Of Fame Inductee Criteria Stakeholders Inductees News Contact window_ready(function(){ var body_obj = document.querySelector('body'), header_obj = body_obj.querySelector('header'), header_type = header_obj.getAttribute('data-type'), main_nav_toggle_obj = body_obj.querySelector('.js-mainNavToggle'), main_nav_obj = body_obj.querySelector('.js-mainNav'), header_buttons_obj = header_obj.querySelectorAll('.js-buttonContainer'), blur_bg_obj = body_obj.querySelector('.
The Hall of Fame exists to honour our champions, pioneers and heroes and to inspire our next generation. Through it, we recognise Australian motorsport’s highest of achievers – drivers and riders, and those who’ve contributed to the development of Australian motorsport sport.
Outside of the Olympic Sports, motorsport has generated more international success for Australia than most other ‘global’ sports in this country.