Description: Autarkeon - Death Metal old school (with Thrash influences)
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Death Metal old school (with Thrash influences)
Morbid Angel, Kreator, Slayer, Obituary, Deicide and much more ! The AUTARKEON death old school also borrows from other extreme metal currents. In 2011, AUTARKEON has self-produced a demo of 6 tracks (removed). 2013 marks AUTARKEON’s renewal with the acquisition of a new sound – improving Spike’s skills through interaction with Fred Uniwëria Zëkt (MATARIFé). 2014: The album Eternel Conflit, 8 tracks. 2016 : The album La Grande Menace, 9 tracks. 2019 : L'enfer avant le Néant, 9 tracks
Haskel: Singing, guitars, bass. Drums via Logic Pro. Spike: Sound engineer. Video editing.