- Consumer @ The DOG

Example domain paragraphs

The DOG (Device On Guard) is a comprehensive asset management system designed exclusively to provides information, notifications, and alerts about your vehicle movement as well as diagnostics, maintenance remainders, and repairs cost as soon as a problem arises, along with the potential consequences and cost along with much more. The APS and Master implement strong encryption and are specifically coded for your site so that no third part may easedrop on data being sent or received.

The DOG acts as a monitoring system letting you know when family members leave and returns instantly texting, emailing, calling and even activating your home alarm system of an unauthorized access into your vehicle.

The DOG would inform when any of the vehicles has a check engine light and tell you what it means in simple terms avoiding confusing codes or ambiguous definitions. Estimated costs of repair are also provided. The DOG will provide a list of Auto Parts stores within range of miles that has the part you need and a list of certified repair facilities that can fixed you vehicle.