- Thoughts on development & design

Example domain paragraphs

As a result of working in web products (both personal and professional) I have become quite au fait with SEO from a technical point of view, and purely technical things you can do to put you in good standing - all of which really, are just web best practices to be a good web citizen - things that we should be doing to make the web better (proper use of HTTP headers, mobile friendly designs, good performance for people on slower connections etc). 

One thing that is a bit above and beyond that is the use of Google's Structured Data. I will talk about what it is and what it does below, but if you are dynamically loading webpages (e.g. your website isn't just HTML on a web server, but either served from a server-side application, or is an API driven JS application), then you are most likely well placed to easily and immediately start implementing it.

Google has defined a set of schemas regarding Structured Data on websites. This is a schema that allows better definition of key data points from a given website. It's a sensible move by Google and is a natural progression for their search engine.