Description: #1 New York Times-bestselling author of A Study in Drowning and other gothic fantasies.
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Ava Reid Award-winning and internationally bestselling author of The Wolf and the Woodsman, Juniper & Thorn, and A Study in Drowning (fall 2023) home message archive about books avasreid 1626216889 13 July 2021 copy link to post permalink link copied Welcome! Thank you for stopping by my website. Please follow the links to view my author bio , contact information , and books .
avasreid 1631249483 10 September 2021 copy link to post permalink link copied aveganreader sent a message Hi Ava! I was wondering, do you have any hobbies or activities you enjoy outside of writing?
this ask just reminded me of how badly i need to broaden my horizons, haha. for a while i was really into running but as someone with hypermobile joints it’s super, super bad for you so i had to stop. one thing i’m very interested in, though, is languages/linguistics - i’m trying to be better about retaining fluency in the languages i do know and taking the time to learn new ones!