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Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and many others like him--with significant medical and research credentials--are telling us to pay attention to the electricity and wireless radiation factors in our lives. Mainstream health and government agencies ignore all this as the telecom industry is now bigger than they are, and the Smart World is being planned and built all around us. Dr. Klinghardt says: “It is absolutely stunning how people recover” when electromagnetic radiation and fields are reduced.

We are now offering two "starter" meters to measure the electromagnetic effects around you.  The more electronic devices you install and use, the more "noise" (harmonics) is created on your wiring, and the more you will tax not just the devices themselves, but your health as well. In addition, the RFMW (radiofrequency microwaves) being pulsed from wireless routers and cell phones -- all the time, not just when in use -- destabilize your nervous system such that you revert to flight/flight mode too often, re

When you take measurements of your environment, you'll be able to make adjustments and improvements such that you preserve your resilience, hopefully for years to come.

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