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ub8注册 (50) 优游网游戏 (12) 凤凰平台老用户站点迁移优游通知 (3)
Posted on October 28 by
I was browsing the app store last night and finally saw something I’ve been waiting ages for, Monster Train is now available on iOS! I’ve played a ton of this game ever since it was added to Xbox Game Pass, and I’ve been dying for a mobile version. Maybe I should be careful what I wish for, however, as I found myself staying up way too late last night playing run after run in bed.
The game plays just like it does elsewhere, however if there’s one complaint I have it’s that for whatever reason on the iPad the right side of the screen gets cut off. You can’t see the health of bosses because they’re partially off the screen, and you also can’t target them with spells. Hopefully this gets fixed soon!