avoine.net - Gildas Avoine

Description: Website of Gildas Avoine

security (9992) privacy (2010) rfid (1292) tag (759) cryptography (285) traceability (172) ucl (78) gsi (70) radio frequency identification (40) ingi (2)

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Gildas Avoine is a full professor of information security and cryptography at INSA Rennes (France) and he performs his research at IRISA , in the group SPICY . He is also an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France . Gildas Avoine is also the CNRS' Scientific Manager (jointly with CEA and Inria) of the funding programme "PEPR Cybersécurité", which has a budget of 65 million euros. Since 2019, he is the president of the scientific council of ANSSI . Since 2021, he also heads the research activ

Research Interests

My research activities are related to cryptography and information security, especially (but not only) cryptographic protocols. My current work addresses cryptanalytic time-memory trade-offs, cryptanalysis of secure protocols as Lorawan and SCP02, distance-bounding protocols, and deanonymisation. I am glad to currently supervize or co-supervize five PhD students: Tristan Claverie (ANSSI/INSA), Olivier Gimenez (Orange/INSA), Diane Leblanc-Albarel (CNRS/INSA), Thomas Rokicki (CNRS/INSA), and Antonin Voyez (EN

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