avokado-design.com - EFFICIENT WEBSITE

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Entrepreneurial people sooner or later have to create a personal website, forum, etc. In order for the subscribers of the network to use their projects, the sites must be placed on the server. This is done with the help of hosting services, which provides uninterrupted operation of the Internet and provides information content in the form of various programs, texts, images, reference data, tables, and so on. As a rule, free hosting and domain are part of the package for site maintenance in Saas-systems, suc

Creating the first site, people usually try not to invest a lot of money in it. Therefore, the priority of solutions that do not require financial investments: free tariff on the site builder, free hosting, preferably with support for PHP and MySQL, but without advertising. Finding the right options is really possible: but is it worth using such “gifts”? Continue reading →

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