- :: Free Online Web-Based Role-Playing Game

Description: is a free online text-based role-playing game set in a cyberpunk reality in the near future

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Version : 0.9.20160112r141 Registered Users : 43,070 Crimes : 19,763,611 Jail Terms : 779,514 Crimes Today : 793 Arrests Today : 15 is an online text-based role-playing game set in the near future. The world is much like today, with terrorists, gangs, and an over-zealous media. Large corporations control most of the worlds major industries, politicians are not so much voted for as they are owned, and interest-groups lobby to enact laws to their benefit.

You are like many citizens of the land, struggling to make your mark in the world. Will you become the next superstar athlete? Perhaps you will become the world's greatest street fighter. Or will you join the ranks of an underground organized crime unit and go against the establishment?

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