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  寧波市神光電爐有限公司是國內領先的工業電爐研發制造企業,公司位于長三角南翼的寧波,瀕臨寧波北侖港和寧波機場,區位條件十分優越。         公司產品節能率達到行業先進水平, 產品率先通過ISO9001:2000國際質量體系認證, 歐盟CE認證, 同時通過寧波市節能中心檢測, 被列為寧波市重點推廣節能產品。公司產品包括最新一代 中頻電爐 、  中頻爐 、 工頻電爐、   IGBT中頻電爐 、保溫爐、 加熱爐、 透熱爐、 淬火爐等工業電爐,以及配套設備,廣泛應用于各類金屬加熱融化--- 更多請詳見


A special agitator shaft with symmetrically arranged agitator pegs and sleeves of tungsten carbide for wear protection devel- Vertical, batch operation mill for the preparation of tungsten Ideal flow behaviour due to a special agitator peg arrange-ment and the hemispherically shaped chamber floor integrated screen plate for grinding media separationIntensive cooling through a double-wall grinding tank and cooled circulation pipeline 查看详细 > > Development of the first continuous agitator bead mill Product inl

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