- AWM Research Networks – Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

Description: AWM Research Networks Research Networks are research collaborations intended to grow and support a community of researchers working in a common area, fostering long-term collaborations. Many networks start as Research Collaboration Conferences for Women (RCCWs), week-long conferences held at mathematics institutes where junior and senior participants come together to work on pre-defined research

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AWM Research Communities This program focuses on establishing research networks for women by fostering research collaborations at conferences and AWM Workshops.  These networks are spawned at Research Collaboration Conferences for Women (RCCWs), which are week-long conferences, held at mathematics institutes, where junior and senior women come together to work on pre-defined research projects.  The role of AWM is to expand the number and scope of the RCCWs and to organize a series of follow-up events and in

The RCCW Committee serves as a starting point. Mathematicians interested in organizing the first conference of a new RCCW are invited to submit a proposal to the AWM describing the conference topic, potential co-organizers and project leaders, and potential participants.

Research Networks (RNs) are often organized by the initial RCCW participants (but anyone is welcome to organize one) and are intended to grow and support a community of researchers working in a common area. The  Research Networks Committee (RNC) helps establish long-lasting research networks from Research Collaboration Conferences for Women (RCCW).