- Axiomatic Design

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The ICAD organisational committee has found Springer Science+Business Media willing to publish the ICAD2023 papers in ‘Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems’. Papers will indexed by SCOPUS and may be dowloaded in the Springer database. Conference attendant will be able to download all papers without restriction for a limited time.

Professor Bojan Babic was welcomed to the scientific board of ICAD. Professor Babic is Head of Production Engineering Department at the faculty of mechanical engineering at the University of Belgrade in Serbia. He has an extensive history in academic research on mechanical engineering as well as Axiomatic Design.

The new date for ICAD 2022-23 has been set to May 31st to June 2nd. The conference will take place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The conference will be supported by Springer Science & Business Media in the series “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”. This will include SCOPUS indexing. Details may be found on the […]

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