- AZPurchasing - procurement, rfp, request for proposal, bid, government contracts, bids

Description: AZPurchasing - a website that posts rfp ( request for proposal ) and bid access for government contracts, bids, solicitation, procurement contracts, government procurement, government bids and purchasing open bids school district in AZ.

procurement (875) bid (631) bids (189) rfp (171) government contracts (82) government bids (38) government procurement (26) request for proposal (23) solicitation (17) procurement contracts (2)

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Arizona Purchasing website serves purchasers across different disciplines for the purposes of; developing a central and statewide prospective bidderÂ’s list, posting solicitations and requests for quotations online and to more effectively disseminate solicitation information to the vendor and varied buyer communities.

The mission of Arizona Purchasing is to provide purchasers with web based tools to more efficiently manage prospective bidders and solicitations whereby providing effective communication to the vendor community.

Arizona Purchasing primarily began with its focus in aiding Arizona School Districts, though it has grown to also help institutions of higher education, as well as municipalities, through the entire State of Arizona.

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