b2bcom.info - B2Bcom

Description: Company active in the world of technologies, in the field of electronics, agriculture, ecology, medical, digital edition, houses of the future, home automation, security. Specializing in third world countries, it has a multifaceted and multi-purpose know-how.

container house (69) apiarium (2) isbu (2) pikerbutt (1) la missionaria (1) giorgio del forte (1) la casa del futuro (1) e-bioagri (1) ebioagri (1) the house of the future (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The e-BioAgri project provides for the creation of an independent system for the aboveground and vertical cultivation of a hundred different plants cultivars, from lettuce with to basil, to strawberries, to flowers.

An automated harvest of cigarette butts and any other objects without human control. Without human intervention. Automatic search and object identification.

Baby Incubator ‘La Missionaria, is the fruit of the conjunction of builder's high-technology and habits socioambient of users. Thirty years experience in medical equipment ...

Links to b2bcom.info (1)