- The Bugles & Drums of The Stedfast Association (BADOTSA) - For Boys' Brigade Old Boys, current and ex-Officers, friends and supp

Description: The Bugles & Drums of The Stedfast Association (BADOTSA) - For Boys' Brigade Old Boys, current and ex-Officers, friends and supporters

friends (1986) supporters (105) boys brigade (21) london district (3) the bugles & drums of the stedfast association (badotsa) (1) current officers (1) ex-officers (1)

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Drum & Bugle Bands have been very much a part of the way of life for those in The Boys' & Girls' Brigades over the years. Members of BADOTSA have that sense of history and past running through them. Many were, and still are, members of active BB/GB bands.

The band was started in 2000 by former members of The Boys' Brigade in London, to help celebrate the Millennium, and was previously known, as the 'London Stedfast Association Bugle Band' or " LSABB ". On 1st January 2010, the band changed its name to its current one, in recognition that bands Members, who all give their time freely, come from all over the United Kingdom and beyond.

In November 2017, the band, sixty plus members strong, made its fourth appearance in the prestigious annual City of London, Lord Mayor's Parade. In the last few years, performances have taken place on The Somme Battlefield in France, Edinburgh, Malta, Guernsey, Northern Ireland, and Wales. All current and former BB & GB members, friends and supporters can join, provided they are over 18 years of age. The band provides an opportunity to 'show the flag' for the Brigades as well as often providing support for