- Congress Must Include Monthly Stimulus Checks

Description: Ongoing, monthly payments to the people is not currently part of this plan. We know that millions of people need significantly more support during this economic and health crisis. Congress must prioritize bailing out the people. If they don't, people and local economies will suffer increasingly dire consequences.

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Large-scale systemic change doesn't happen without people power. That's why Income Movement is helping lead a grassroots movement demanding that our government put the economic health and wellbeing of people first as we chart the course for recovery and beyond. We've created a direct action hub to empower you to do the work to help make basic income a reality. You'll find tools to contact your elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels of government. From letter-writing campaigns to automatic

In the work to get direct cash legislation at the state and national levels, Income Movement recognizes the need for a tool designed for long-term coalition building; something that can grow over time, as a centralized place to demonstrate to elected officials the size and scope of our movement. This is why we created the I Support Basic Income Open Letter . The goal of this open letter is to accumulate millions of individual signers and thousands of organizations, businesses, and local, state and national

The Expanded Child Tax Credit was a transformative policy that worked like a guaranteed income for kids. Millions of children were lifted out of poverty by supporting families with monthly checks. But with the extension having expired, it is unacceptable that congress is letting millions of children slip back into poverty. Take action today to let your elected officials know how important making the CTC permanent is.

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