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The Breadhouse is currently working on a groundbreaking project, the BakeTainer. By placing a bakery at a sea container location, the bakery can be easily moved. The goal of the BakeTainer is to build bread houses in areas with a lot of poverty.

The Breadhouse is currently working on a groundbreaking project, the BakeTainer. By placing a bakery in a sea container places, the bakery can easily move to become. The goal of the BakeTainer is it building bread houses in areas with a lot of poverty. So there is a possibility to provide the local population with bread. We believe that the BakeTainer can contribute to a better world.

In the past years we have built 10 bakery; 2 bakeries in Elandsdoorn, 1 in Pretoria, 1 in Jeffrey's Bay and 1 in Port Elisabeth and 5 bakeries in Armenia. In these bakeries, baked loaves provide the local population with their living needs; bread. We are very grateful that these bakeries can contribute to this. We hope to place the Baketainer this year in Sierra Leone and Senegal.