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Description: The Hanse-Parlament was founded in 1994 to promote small and medium enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region and to strengthen the area’s competitiveness.

training (23688) education (20431) mobility (1212) qualification (155) vocational training (115) further education (88) europass (23) baltic sea region (8) qf (8) ecvet (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Europe is growing together and as a result new opportunities rise with increased productivity, growth, cultural diversity, innovations, new markets and products. But the European Union is still characterised by labour market barriers which are affecting cross-border labour market mobility and the EU-principle of the freedom of movement of labour and establishment.

One reason for the imperfect cross-border labour mobility is the lack of the mutual recognition of vocational education and training. In order to address this shortcoming of EU institutional agreements the Hanseatic Parliament has introduced the project "Baltic Education". Objective is to develop, implement and achieve a system of mutual recognition of vocational education and training. This will be done by the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVE

Four partners from Gdansk, Hamburg, Pori and Vilnius participating in the pilot project chose the profession "painter" as an example for the testing phase. National vocational frameworks of the profession "painter are used for the developing of units. The objective of this developing phase is to separate the four vocational frameworks for the profession "painter" into operational, transparent and comparable units. Afterwards the units will be quantified with credit points. This will be done by the criteria