- Auto Repair Shop | High Performance Sports Vehicles | B & A Automotive Service Center | Mamaroneck, NY

Description: B & A Automotive Service Center in Mamaroneck, New York is an ASE Certified high-performance vehicle repair specialist. As your dealership alternative, we use the latest in automotive technology to service and maintain your vehicle. We are members of the Worldwide Bosch Service Network, which is a collection of the top independent repair centers, servicing gasoline, diesel and hybrid-driven vehicles.

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p:914-381-2468 f:914-381-8403

We are directly located across the street from the Mamaroneck train station.

p:914-381-2468 f:914-381-8403 455 Mamaroneck Ave Mamaroneck, NY 10543-2614 © 2010 Drawing Board Media, LLC.