- Bankruptcy Misconduct News and Information

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As our Nation is facing a number of related domestic threats, it is incumbent upon the FBI to designate an appropriate Threat Tag. What do SBF and SVB have in common besides most of their letters?  They are both frauds established upon the fraudulent alternative reality of Wokeism.    

Hedge Fund Forfeitures to pay for the New Green Deal How are we going to pay for the New Green Deal now that Joe Biden is POTUS and AOC is now really able to help steer the course of the Nation? Well it's easy, just leverage the RICO laws and enforce forfeiture upon all of the Hedge Funds which grew on ill gotten gains by employing BigLaw firms engaged in wilful and knowing Conflict Of Interest fraud, Insider Trading, and their other favorite crooked schemes.  So many Billions TRILLIONS and sooo easy to get

BankruptcyMisconduct is going out on a limb, again.  We are calling the impending Chapter 11 filing for the public company Bed Bath & Beyond. Long story short (puns intended for our sofisticated readers, dawg) there is an obvious trend in the USA of Pension Funds converting their valuable assets into expenditures of dubious merit and undeniable result.  Fund assets are being converted into the pointless funding of political correctness movements.  The so-called "woke" ideology has been weaponized into a val