- Bansko Innovation Hub

Description: The Bansko Innovation Hub is a collaborative initiative designed to empower entrepreneurs and startups in the region with the knowledge, mentorship, and resources needed to innovate, grow, and expand into international markets.

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Our aim is to connect entrepreneurs, investors, experts, coaches, municipalities and regions to share knowledge, good practices and innovations.

Организираме събития за запознаване и представяне, контактни сесии и семинари, образователни и обучителни програми и курсове, маркетингови проучвания, консултации и промоционални дейности. Фокусирани сме върху иновациите, инвестициите, дигиталната и устойчива зелена среда и туристическия сектор.

We organize matchmaking and pitching events, contact sessions and seminars, educational and training programs and courses, marketing research, consulting and promotional activites. We are focused on innovations, investments, digital and sustainable green environment and tourism sector.

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