- Barber Financial Advisors - A comprehensive source for offshore financial services

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We're an offshore financial service provider with an emphasis in the jurisdictions of Belize, Panama, Cook Islands, and Nevis, the best tax havens for use by North Americans today. Hoyt L. Barber is an international financial consultant with 30 years in the field of offshore finance and banking and an author of 12 books since 1981.

Beyond providing top-flight offshore financial services to Americans, Canadians, and others, knowledge and experience are also imparted through Mr. Barber’s private consulting services, and within his books. These resources will help you to develop new personal and financial strategies and valuable solutions for paving a successful path into the future.

You are personally invited by Mr. Barber to visit his author web site at which provides further information on his books, himself, his current writing projects, additional photographs and illustrations, and some family history.

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