- Barcelona Photoblog

Description: Barcelona Photoblog portrays the city of Barcelona, its streets, its people, its art. Street photography by Carlos Lorenzo is meant to approach both visitors and locals to the beauty and virtues of Barcelona

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Barcelona photos: Daily photographs of Barcelona, Spain. Pictures of a modern city, combined in a personal photoblog. A photography and travel site. Art, architecture, people and traditions. Travel to Barcelona through my camera, know more about our city and towns nearby. Welcome!

FC Barcelona is one of the most renowned and successful football clubs in the world. With a glorious history stretching over 120 years, FC Barcelona has become synonymous with excellence in football. The club's museum at the epic Camp Nou stadium provides a fascinating glimpse into Barça's storied past through exhibits, trophies and multimedia displays.

FC Barcelona was founded on November 29, 1899 by a group of twelve enthusiasts led by Joan Gamper. Gamper, a Swiss football player, placed an advertisement in Los Deportes newspaper calling for interest in forming a football club. This led to the first meeting at Gimnasio Sola in Barcelona, where the club was officially established. The club was named Foot-Ball Club Barcelona after Charles Lindley’s Foot-Ball Club.

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