- Bardia Doosti

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I am an AI/ML Research Engineer at Google AR. Prior to that, I completed my PhD in Computer Science from the Indiana University Bloomington nder the supervision of Prof. David Crandall at the IU Computer Vision Lab . My research interests include applying Deep Learning on vision and audio problems. Specifically I have worked on Graph-Convolutional and Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Reconstruction and Hand and Object Pose Estimation for egocentric view images.

I spent an amazing summer at G o o g l e as a Research Intern. I worked with Tao Dong on designing an Automatic Design Analyzer to detect Material Design components using app view hierarchy and deep convolutional neural networks. We applied this design analyzer to more than 10,000 android apps to study how Material Design is used among apps with different categories, average rating and number of installs.

I also spent 6 wonderful months at Facebook Reality Labs as a research intern during Winter, Spring and Summer 2019 as a research intern. I was working on a data-driven high-fidelity 3D reconstruction project.

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