- Morgan & Gaited Morgan Horses Wyoming | Bar None Morgan Ranch

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Located in Northwest Wyoming, Bar None Ranch has been breeding Morgans for over forty years. Our horses' personalities are unrivaled. You will be sure to find the horse you're looking for here.

Welcome to the Bar None Morgan Ranch website. The Bar None Ranch is owned by Harvey and Lois Seidel. We are located in North West Wyoming about 100 miles from both Casper and Cody in the town of Thermopolis, Wyoming, in the Big Horn Basin. We specialize in colorful Morgan Horses, with western working bloodlines from the LU Sheep Ranch, Ramul Dvarishkis, and Cross Ranch, all of Wyoming.

We have recently added some gaited Morgans to our herd. We have 7 gaited mares and a gaited stallion . The mares have some of the best bloodlines of the gaited Morgan, many coming from the “Mary Mel’s” line. View the bloodlines of these new additions.