- Barry Schiff Virtual Hangar

Description: Barry Schiff's Virtual Hangar

books (17055) videos (15663) aviation (2836) pilot (935) flying (801) schiff (410) barry schiff (1) proficient pilot (1)

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Welcome to my virtual hangar. I am pleased to share some of my experiences with you and hope that you enjoy what you find here.

Barry Schiff will personally autograph books purchased from this site. This is a unique opportunity to own some of the best known, most useful and highly respected books on flying, personally autographed by the author. You can even specify to whom you want Barry to autograph these books. Take advantage of this unique opportunity now!

Barry uses his accomplished teaching skills to help pilots visualize techniques and procedures that can make them safer pilots. He brings critical subjects to life and creatively uses his educational skills in a way that makes these lessons invaluable and memorable. Barry's video segments were chosen for worldwide viewing on Speedvision . Buy the full set now!

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