- The Baseball Storyteller – A baseball fan and writer's experiences of baseball

Description: The Baseball Storyteller is a Baseball Fan, A Baseball Experience Seeker, A creative content creator and a visual storyteller. I have traveled near and far to cover the great game of baseball. I have been a baseball player, coach, writer, and fan since... well, I have been born. I write as a fan because I…

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I have traveled near and far to cover the great game of baseball. I have been a baseball player, coach, writer, and fan since… well, I have been born. I write as a fan because I love the game of baseball like few I know. Here are some of the professional baseball stadiums I have visited over the years.

And here is a link to more baseball fields at colleges, universities, summer collegiate leagues, minor leagues, and more – Baseball Places .

I write, photograph, and share stories about baseball fields big and small, baseball players from Little League to the Major Leagues, baseball experiences that bring a smile and a tear to my baseball soul. I attended baseball games from amateur leagues in the summer to Single A matchups in the Minors to Spring Training games in Phoenix. I love a great baseball story and love to share those stories here on my blog – The Baseball Storyteller .

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