- Basic Income Week

Description: Join us for Basic Income March. Our economy is leaving millions behind. Join the people powered movement to send the message that our society and economy needs to evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Get involved. Get inspired. Together, we can make historic change.

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The global pandemic has made the economic inequities of our society even more transparent. While ordinary families struggle to pay for their essential needs, the richest have grown their wealth. Billionaires are flying to space while their employees lack basic benefits and a livable wage. We can and must design a system that works for everyone. Join us on September 24th, 2022 as we bring out communities together for the 4th Annual Basic Income Day-of-action and March to grow our base of support and invite o

We're on the brink of massive economic upheaval already leaving millions of Americans behind. The system is excluding us. ‍ Universal Basic Income is a means to a healthier, more innovative, and just society. $1,000 per month for every adult in America. ‍ March with us! We owe us.

Our economy is leaving millions behind. Join the people powered movement to send the message that our society and economy needs to evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The NYC Basic Income March will begin in Harlem and finish in the South Bronx. We will march with and hear from leaders including the Andy Stern, Congressional Candidate James Felton Keith, and Hawk Newsome, Chairman of Black Lives Matter. There are also 27 other marches happening around the world. Join us or start your own! Get

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