- Writing a better future - Basicwrite

Example domain paragraphs

Together we can help children in Zambia to support their education.  There is a big shortage of writing materials in Zambia. Basic items like pens, pencils and notebooks are essential for education. In developed countries we take these for granted, since they are widely available.  For the children in Zambia, writing materials are scarce and considered a “luxury item”. In some cases, a single pen is shared with four students…! With Basic Write, we are collecting pens and notebooks for the Linda Community Sc

Together we can have a great impact, but it is important to stay focussed on the mission. With the Basic Write team we have set some clear goals for this year. Can you help us to reach these goals? The mission of Basic Write is to give all the children in Zambia access to a pen and paper in 2025. Everyone that believes in this mission can contribute. As simple as following us on Instagram, telling others about the project or by donating writing materials. We love your support. 

We want to make it as easy as possible to donate your writing materials. Let us know where you would like to donate pens or notebooks. We will connect you to our Basic Write Collectors . You can also drop it at our Public Collection Points .