- BatterFlai - Sustainable recovery of battery minerals

Description: The project sets the basis for a possible future commercialization of a new sustainable flotation concept for the recovery of battery minerals.

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Project BATTER FLAI main purpose is the establishment of a sustainable European battery minerals value chain based on innovative green technology development and increased resource efficiency in mineral and metallurgical processes.

BATTER FLAI is a sustainable, low-carbon footprint, biodegradeble and efficient flotation process for the recovery of battery metals, using abundant resources for environmental friendly flotation reagents that can secure the supply and quality of collectors for the smooth operation of the mines. The new collectors have unique properties regarding the suppression of iron during flotation and selective recovery of battery base metals such as Cu, Ni, Co and Au from sulphide iron ores.

The BATTER FLAI project has a strong scientific base in the project research partners; Luleå University of Technology, RISE Research Institute of Sweden and National Technical University of Athens and is organized along the value chain through Boliden AB, KGHM Cuprum, KGHM Polska Miedz S.A., Hellas Gold, Colloidtek, IMN and LTU Business to support the scaling up of an efficient and selective green flotation concept, contributing towards an expanding circular economy and new business opportunities within and