- Battle Portraits

Description: Series of paintings of the faces of war as captured by painter Laura BenAmots. Exhibit dates & book publication and sales information available

art (57085) paintings (7096) ptsd (1277) colorado artist (37) israeli artist (17) colorado painter (5) war art' (4) 'laura benamots (2) laura ben-amots (2) faces of war (1)

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Pa inter Laura BenAmots was born in New York bust spen t her formative years in Is r ael.  Childhood in Israel was rich and fun and adventurous, and it meant growing up in a country at war .

  I n Israel war affects every family regardless of socio -economic or political status. Military and civilian life intersept and dramatically impact each other. BenAmots grew up att uned to the challenges re lating to the effects of war on civilian society.

In 2007 w hen  the artist learned of the high suicide and vi olent crime rate among returning U.S. vetera n s  from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, she was deeply moved and compelled to respond.