- Bauer Family Law | Nashville Divorce Attorneys

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1. What type of cases do you generally handle? This is a question you should ask right off the bat. If the attorney doesn’t specialize (or regularly work) on cases relating to your legal issue, find someone else! There are plenty of lawyers out there, so find one that is in your niche. A specialized lawyer will have the experience and competence to represent and advocate for you.   2. Describe your typical client. Even if you find a lawyer who is specialized in a certain field, they still might regularly de

5Questions Everyone Should Ask Before Hiring an Attorney. The process of hiring an attorney is intimidating and overwhelming for most. We often spend a large portion of a consultation talking about the reasons NOT to hire an attorney, much less us. One of our mentors gave us a piece of wisdom we still follow today, he said, “This might be the 900th client for you, but it is likely the 1st attorney for your client.” We take very seriously the real-life impact these matters have on our client’s lives. While m

Who Needs an Attorney? Most people never think about needing an attorney . Nevertheless, situations will inevitably arise in the lives of some people that will require an attorney’s intervention. Oftentimes, individuals face circumstances outside of their control, such as victims of drunk driving car accidents who are suddenly burdened with mounting medical bills. Other examples may include consumers harmed by defective products or workers injured on the job. Situations such as these involve navigating comp