- BayJet Military Sales

Description: Bayjet Inc. Kit manufacturer and supplier to military, industrial, and commercial.

commercial (15472) government (2857) kit (1214) aerospace (1142) las cruces (151) kitting (73) bayjet (1) bay jet (1) bayjet inc (1) bayjet military sales (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Bayjet Military Sales . Supplier to military, industrial, and commercial customers with in-house capability to manufacture custom parts, assemblies and kits to print.

Our data library gives us access to over a million drawings and specifications in support of our military and commercial customers

Our Kit capability experience in kitting go back 30 years. We have an extensive database and expertise to locate hard to find parts or machine parts to applicable specifications. Your company can rely on BayJet Military Sales to do the legwork for you and deliver a quality product..

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