- - Home page

Description: Baza rodowodowa koni powstała z myślą o wszystkich miłośnikach koni. Naszym celem jest gromadzenie i udostępnianie sprawdzonych informacji o hodowanych w Polsce koniach, ich pochodzeniu, osiągnięciach i współczynnikach genetycznych. Na stronie są dostępne informacje o zawodach, konkursach koni. Informacje na temat jeźdźców. Zdjęcia koni i jeźdźców.

horses (2620) genetics (475) konie (123) koń (24) horse database (2) baza koni (1) horse genetics (1) genetyka koni (1) inbreed coeficient (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Site has been set up for all lovers of horses. Our goal is to collect and share credible information of horses bred in Poland, their origins, achievements, and genetic coefficients. For the time being the database has thousands of horses, and this number is gradually increasing. Every registered user has a possibility of submitting new horses. We encourage you to fill our applications, that the content of the site is as complete as possible and is find by all fans, owners and breeders very useful. One of ma

We are looking for: Pictures of horses: If you have a picture / pictures of horses that are or should be included in the database and would like to share - send them to the address [email protected] . In the description, enter the name of the horse, race and origin. In particular, we want to have pictures of horses that have passed and there is no option to take their picture.

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