- bbjennysgarden | Experience the Serenity of Udine

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B&B Jenny’s Garden, Udine

ENGLISH                                                                                                             Experience the wonderful pleasures of staying in Friuli Venezia Giulia at B&B “Jenny’s Garden”. Charming and comfortable, B&B Jenny’s Garden is the perfect spot to spend some time visiting the Northeastern corner of Italy. If you’re planning a trip to Udine, Italy, why stay in an ordinary hotel when you can enjoy Jenny’s Garden Bed & Breakfast? We provide a special lodging experience with grea

ITALIANO                                                                                                                 Scoprite il piacere di visitare il Friuli Venezia Giulia soggiornando al B&B “Jenny’s Garden”. Comodo e incantevole, il nostro B&B è il luogo perfetto in cui trascorrere le vostre vacanze e dal quale partire per visitare il Nordest d’Italia. Se state organizzando un viaggio a Udine, perché  prenotare in un albergo qualsiasi quando potete alloggiare al B&B “Jenny’s Garden”?  Noi VI offriam