- 已知現存中文 BBS 站台 | Chinese-language Telnet BBS List

Description: Lists of Chinese-language text-terminal BBS sites

Example domain paragraphs

共筆版本可自由編輯;穩定版本則是共筆版本在被修改且經過不定的一段時間後,若經確認沒太大問題的話,才會 push 上去更新。 The co-writing version can be edited freely; the stable version is updated when a certain amount of time has been passed since the last edit of the co-writing version and no significant issues are found.

若覺得穩定版本太久沒更新可去 GitHub 提 issue: You can issue an update request at GitHub if you feel that the stable version has not been updated for a while:

若您願意協助確認資訊使其及時,或改善查驗流程使其順暢,請不吝編輯或留言以改進此文。 If you are willing to help to keep the information up-to-date or make the checking process smoother, please do not hesitate to edit or leave comments to improve this article.

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