- Beach Roller | Lake Bottom Cleaning Tool

Description: The Beach Roller is a hand held lake bottom cleaning tool that is used by rolling it back and forth for a weed and muck free beach. Shop Our Low Prices Now!

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The Beachroller

The Beach Roller from Weeders Digest uses the same concept as our Lake Groomer except it is a hand held tool and much smaller. The Beachroller cleans a 2-foot wide path as it moves along the bottom. It has a 20-foot long handle to maneuver it over a large area. As it moves along the bottom of the lake, it cuts and pulls weeds out by their roots.

When you're done you can rake in and collect the weeds with one of our lake weed & beach rakes .  We highly recommend Rake Zilla because it is designed to rake, skim weeds off the surface and scoop up piles to be hauled away. ( learn more about RakeZilla )