- Be a Slayer – Spiritual Tools for the 21st Century

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GoTracee Publishing national award-winning titles are game changers for those who suffer—relevant topics for today’s changing world that offer the opportunity to heal spiritual trauma on all levels.

You’ve got something to say, and Big Roar Books can help you say it! BRB is the hybrid-publishing imprint for GoTracee Pubs.. We produce everything from your narrative-nonfiction, memoir, and novel to catalogs and employee handbooks. We can inspire, organize, edit, design, print and publish your project at an affordable rate. And, when your book goes to market…? We’ll help you sell it.

Crystals, gems, and minerals make the best companions on your journey of healing and self-discovery. It is no secret that crystals offer energetic healing and teaching in every dimension, whether the change is occurring on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level—you will naturally adapt. Quartz crystal is formed in a grid of sacred geometric patterns—balanced and stable —it can align with our quantum energy fields.

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