Description: Beaver's Pond Press turns people into writers, writers into authors, and authors into authorities. With decades of experience mentoring indie authors, and over 900 books to our name, we provide the insight, the attention, and the loving kick-in-the-pants you need to publish a successful book. Get in the Pond!
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"As far as publishing teams go, I struck pure gold with Beaver’s Pond Press. The entire team made me feel like I was their only author. Their attention to detail, wild creativity, and sharp insights helped take my book to the top 100 on Amazon in my specific category, at one point cracking the top 10. I never dreamed my first book would be a bestseller."
“I thoroughly enjoyed the entire publishing process provided by Beaver's Pond Press, from my first contact to receiving the finished product. They’re so honest and knowledgeable. They really know how to help an author produce a book of high quality.”