- 188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方 | Wagyu & 188体育登录, 在线188体育 | Perth | Bunbury | South West | 188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方

Description: 188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方 provides paddock-to-plate tender juicy 188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方, Wagyu Beef and 188体育登录, 在线188体育. Free delivery in Perth and the South West for orders over $150. Order online today.

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Premium West Australian 188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方 & Wagyu Beef


188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方 supplies premium Australian produced lamb and beef to domestic and global export markets since 2005. We offer a range of high grade 188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方, Wagyu Beef and 188体育登录, 在线188体育. 188体育, 188体育直播, 188体育官方 works with dedicated farmers passionate for producing an excellent sustainable Australian product which tastes sensational. As a family business we take care and pride in what we do from ‘paddock’ with our farmer network, to ‘plate’ with our customers; ensuring consistency