- Behind the Pink Ribbon Podcast Series - Apple Podcasts

Description: Listen to Melissa Adams's Behind the Pink Ribbon podcast on Apple Podcasts.

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***This show is no longer being produced, however we are keeping it online as a resource to the many newly diagnosed. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions.*** Breast cancer is more than the pink ribbon that symbolizes the disease; it is not pink nor is it pretty. It can be a messy, devastating, life-altering, and lonely journey. The women and men represented by the pink ribbon may have the same disease, but everyone’s story is different. Behind the Pink Rib

Tracy Milgram | BRCAStrong

Tracy Milgram is my guest on this episode. She is the founder of BRCAStrong, a non-profit organization, supporting women facing breast and/or ovarian cancer regardless of a known genetic mutation. Tracy shared her journey of finding out that she had a genetic mutation at a young age, how that information impacted her life decisions, and why she created BRCAStrong. For complete show notes, please visit New episodes of Behind the Pink Ribbon are released monthly on the second Tues