- Be Lake Friendly - Take the Pledge to Be Lake Friendly and Help Save Lake Mead

Description: Be Lake Friendly - Take the Pledge to Be Lake Friendly and Help Save Lake Mead

safety (4277) las vegas (2493) awareness (936) clark county (125) lake mead (38) save wildlife (7) stormwater pollution (4)

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Unfortunately, the largest source of stormwater pollution in Southern Nevada is…Southern Nevadans. Our every day activities generate trash and toxins that can be quite harmful to our environment and ultimately, Lake Mead and all of its inhabitants.

Thankfully, becoming more Lake Friendly is easy, and it’s something all of us can do. Once you commit to following a few very simple guidelines, you’ll be a much more Lake Friendly person or business.

Watch a special message from inhabitants of Lake Mead (01:00)

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