- Believe Foundation, "Let Us Give You Strength to Believe" - Princeton, Illinois

Description: The Believe Foundationis is a non profit foundation that depends only on donations. Since founded in October 2008, we have been able to customize wigs on an average of 2 to 3 local people a month. Along with cutting , coloring, perming, and styling, wigs for patients, we have also been able to provide them with fresh non contaminated make-up and make up brushes.

Example domain paragraphs a non profit foundation that depends only on donations. Since founded in October 2008, we have been able to customize wigs on an average of 2 to 3 local people a month. Along with cutting , coloring, perming, and styling, wigs for patients, we have also been able to provide them with fresh non contaminated make-up and make up brushes.

Helping make people feel good about themselves, will also give them the strength to fight their battle against cancer!!

I have been a hair designer for over 25 years and the thing I have grown to love the most about my profesion is making people feel good about themselves. In 1992, a young women came in to my salon carrying a picture a dear friend of hers battling leukimia. She wondered if I could find a wig she could give to her friend. She continued to explain that her friend was 19 years old and disliked the wigs she was provided as they always appeared unnatural. This of couse lead to feelings of depression. As it would