- Bella Sera Organic Mattress made from organic cotton, wool, and natural latex

Description: Organic Mattress from Bella Sera Organics. Natural latex mattress made from organic cotton, organic wool, and natural latex

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We are a family owned and operated business in Fort Collins, Colorado dedicated to giving you the best quality possible. We don’t hide behind tricky advertising and misleading brand names to boost our sales or lower our cost. We do not use polyester or PLA in our products as some “certified organic” products do. Instead we seek out the best organic certified materials because these are the mattresses our family and friends sleep on. Our mattresses are made with three materials: Organic Cotton, Organic Wool,

Customize It! With our Bella Sera organic mattresses, you can choose the firmness levels you want for each layer (either 3, 4, or 5 layers of natural latex per mattress), which creates tremendous variety for the feel and comfort you need to make each night’s sleep a dream. For each layer, you can choose from “soft,” “medium,” or “firm.” Choose from 4 mattress models .

If You Want, Customize Each Side It gets even better! You can choose your firmness level on each side of the Bella Sera organic mattress when purchasing a queen- or king-sized mattress. If your partner likes it softer and you like it firmer, we can split the latex so that each side of the bed can have a different combination of latex. Read about customizing your mattress.