- Tribünen, Bühnen und Stadien für Veranstaltungen - Bender

Description: Bender Tribünen bietet die Möglichkeit, Tribünen zu mieten oder zu kaufen, und übernimmt die Planung, Herstellung sowie den Verkauf von Tribünen, Bühnen und Stadien, alles aus einer Hand.

accessories (7030) stages (783) grandstands (14) tribünen (14) temporary structures (13) tribünen stadien (5) tribünen überdachung (5) grandstands stages (4) grandstands canopies (4) stages platforms (4)

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Bender Tribünen assists you with your event as a partner with over 70 years of experience in the planning, production and implementation of grandstands, arenas and stages. We offer the highest quality, safety and the best views for sports events and Formula 1 races to the ski jumping World Cup. We also ensure in cultural and business events that all guests have the best view of the event. Individual customer requests are therefore welcomed, and ensure that we create a custom experience.

Bender Tribünen static engineering is inspected (TÜV), meets the most current VStättVO rules [Event Technology Rules] and follow international standards. We have the largest mobile grandstand capacity in Europe, and deploy them world-wide. Rent or buy, new or used - at Bender you have many opportunities to create the best experience at your event.