- Recent Blog Posts By Ben Nadel

Description: Recent articles on web development by Ben Nadel. Topics range from ColdFusion and CFML to HTML and CSS to SQL and database performance.

html (17873) javascript (14160) css (13412) sql (1838) coldfusion (346) cfml (32) lucee (20) ben nadel (2)

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Ben Nadel at InVision In Real Life (IRL) 2018 (Hollywood, CA) with: Chesley Brown ( @Chesley ) ← Previous Photo Next Photo → Recent Blog Posts by Ben Nadel Always Include Charset With fileRead() In ColdFusion By Ben Nadel on July 6, 2023 Tags: ColdFusion Lately, I've been having trouble with Russian spam being posted to this blog. You all don't see it because it goes through comment moderation first; but, it really shouldn't even be getting that far (through to the moderation step) - it should be getting bl

After a multi-year global pandemic, preceded by a declining number of ColdFusion conferences in the U.S., I finally made it out to Munich, Germany for CFCamp 2023 - Europe's premier CFML-oriented conference. At 130 attendees, it was the perfect place for me to re-enter society and talk tech with like-minded engineers. Going into it, I was quite anxious (about flying, about making small-talk, about jet-lag, about the cost). But, by the end of the 3-day event, I ended up having an absolutely magical time and

Starting a new project is always exciting: there's so much potential, so many visions of grandeur. Completing a project — on the other hand — is always a challenge. In the engineering world, we often joke that the last 90% of a project takes just as much time as the first 90% of a project. Inspired by the GitHub Guide: Finish Your Projects, we wanted to talk about why finishing a project is always such a slog; and, how we can keep the momentum moving forward in order to get our projects across the finish-li

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