- Tax Planning & Tax Preparation | DiSanto, Priest & Co. | Local CPA

Description: Need help navigating tax preparation and compliance for your business, estate, trust or personal filing requirements? Depend on DiSanto, Priest & Co.'s certified local CPAs and tax consultants for a full array of tax planning, preparation, and compliance services.

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Income taxes are at the heart of our firm. Whether you have business, estate, trust or personal filing requirements, we are here to guide you. Our tax department has decades of experience from the simplest tax filings to the most complex of situations. Our services include Federal, State and local taxes throughout New England, the United States and around the world.

We are dedicated to providing exceptional personal client service . Our team has access to cutting-edge technology solutions to facilitate tax preparation and compliance, research, paperless transmission and storage of your documents as well as secure internet portal solutions.

Our local CPAs engages in active education programs locally and nationally to stay current on complex tax laws for both federal and state filings. We apply that knowledge to your unique situation taking a customized “one size fits one” approach to your taxes.