Description: Melinda White, MFT is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Berkeley, CA
depression (5997) therapist (4144) insomnia (462) ocd (358) panic (185) cognitive behavioral (44) trichotillomania (32) therapy for anxiety (24) tourette syndrome (15) skinpicking (1)
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT28729) Berkeley, CA
Are you at a place in your life where you feel stuck? Perhaps the methods you have been using aren’t working. You may be having difficulty interpersonally, professionally, or with academics. Your worries may be getting in the way of effective functioning or it may be hard to motivate yourself to take action. Your self-esteem and ability to get things done may be suffering.
Using cognitive behavioral therapy, I can help you try new strategies to approach your problems. We will use empirically tested techniques to reduce your anxiety or depression. We will make your self-critical or negative thoughts explicit and explore how those thoughts affect your feelings and behavior.